This report provides a summary of the forestry sector in 2008, including information regarding royalties, harvesting and silviculture practices, First Nations operations, and a future outlook.
The report provides an assessment of how potential market opportunities match with New Brunswick’s Crown and private timber base and its manufacturing capacity and industry capabilities. The report provides an evaluation of the prospects for the industry and product mix. The province’s best prospects for additional investment capital may well be its existing investors. Furthermore, even before the province tries to attract new investment, it is important to understand the conditions necessary to preserve existing investment.
This presentation discusses ways to turn New Brunswick's forest sector around and improve its competitiveness, including recommendations regarding more sustainable paths for its development.
A Scalers Licence is a licence which authorizes a person to scale primary forest products harvested from NB Crown Lands or primary forest products marketed through a Producer Association. Licences will be renewed every five years.