International Research in the Business Disciplines
Year of publication:
"The purpose of this paper is to offer an overview of the current study of indigenous entrepreneurship. First, while there is broad agreement on the application of the term “indigenous,” there are differences of emphasis and outright controversies about empirical description of indigenous people, especially concerning the role of ownership and private property in their culture and traditions.Second, the concept of entrepreneurship is as controversial in this field as elsewhere in management studies.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (IJESB)
Year of publication:
"Indigenous populations throughout the world suffer from chronic poverty, lower education levels, and poor health. The "second wave" of indigenous development, after direct economic assistance from outside, lies in indigenous efforts to rebuild their "nations" and improve their lot through entrepreneurial enterprise. This paper suggests that there is a distinguishable kind of activity appropriately called "indigenous entrepreneurship". We begin by defining the indigenous population and noting some general facts about their numbers and distribution.
"The paper aims to show that human resource management professionals need to consider the uniqueness of Native, indigenous, and traditional people. A number of key issues demanding attention are analyzed in a non-exhaustive discussion of relevant topics.
"Indigenous peoples have been involved with tourism since they first hosted guests through exploratory and early colonial encounters, yet Indigenous ownership and control of such venues is a relatively new phenomenon worldwide. Indigenous tourism encompasses a wide range of experiences, including cultural tourism, ecotourism, adventure tourism, gaming, resorts, and other related services.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Year of publication:
"This case study uses an interdisciplinary approach to examine Inuit and First Nations perspectives and initiatives to foster sustainable entrepreneurship and economic development related to the forthcoming Mackenzie Gas Pipeline in Canada's Northwest Territories. The 1,220-kilometer pipeline will connect the Mackenzie Delta to the Alberta Oil Sands and North American markets. These findings will be of interest to business, government and Indigenous leaders involved in resource development.
"In Citizens Plus, Alan Cairns unravels the historical record to clarify the current impasse in negotiations between Aboriginal peoples and the state. He considers the assimilationist policy assumptions of the imperial era, examines more recent government initiatives, and analyzes the emergence of the nation-to-nation paradigm given massive support by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. "
"In this paper, we examine the major issues affecting First Nations forestry in Canada using comparison of means tests and multivariate analysis. This paper will be of interest for those working in the economic development field, particularly those who are on the front-line of such changes and challenges. In some cases, economic development officers participated in the survey that we conducted. The results will present a snapshot of the larger issues affecting the current state of First Nations forestry."
Disclaimer: The following sample financial policy/procedural templates have been reviewed and certified by the Aboriginal Financial Officers of Canada (AFOA) as meeting Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Any resemblance to an existing First Nation community/organization’s financial code is entirely coincidental, or permission to share has been obtained and credited to the source First Nation community/organization.
Strategic planning and accountability type activities have been around for a long time. Individuals and organizations constantly look for new and innovative ways to improve what they do in these areas. In reality, some are more active at planning and some are more sophisticated in their approach. Strategic management has been thrust into the spotlight in the last decade as individuals and organizations realize that organizational success is often linked to results from enhanced activities in this area.
This course material deals with complex matters and may not apply to particular facts and circumstances. As well, the course material and the references contained therein reflect accounting standards and practices which are subject to change. For these reasons, the course material should not be relied upon as a substitute for specialized professional advice in connection with any particular matter.