Tax Administration System (TAS) is a simple and powerful administrative tool designed to help tax administrators efficiently manage the complete annual property tax cycle through an online portal that connects to other operational software to streamline your information across multiple platforms.
First Nations Tax Commission Portal - Produce laws, submit laws for review & acceptance, Aggregate and collect statistical information, school tax audit reporting.
An external audit is the process of having someone independent review an organization’s financial statements and form a view as to whether or not they reflect the actual state of the money and property of the organization.
The independent reviewer (known as the auditor ) must follow certain standards known as auditing standards. The external audit provides reassurance to the First Nation and other readers of the financial statements that what they are reading reflects reality.
As part of a sound governance structure, Council will need to create a policy that describes how all policies and procedures of the First Nation will be created and put into practice.
Under the FAL, only Council can approve financial administration policies and Council must keep a current list of these. Also, all financial administration policies of the First Nation must
“Created specifically with new supervisors in mind, Accounting Skills for New Supervisors teaches students the art of finance and financial management from the ground up. Students learn key financial terms, their role in the company finances, where to find rules and regulations for their area and industry, how to read various types of financial reports, along with much, much more.”
“This advanced accounting program will be essential to your First Nation Community. Our Finance Management Diploma Program is an extension of the Finance & Accounting Clerk program. It is designed for those students who wish to continue their accounting studies into more advanced areas of financial accounting and finance.”
“The Workforce Expansion Self-Employment Benefit Program helps unemployed individuals create a job for themselves by starting a new business. The program provides various types of support during the initial development phase of the business including financial assistance, coaching and ongoing technical advice. Coaching is tailored to meet individual needs and can include subjects such as business plan development, accounting, and marketing.”
The Quick Method is a simplified accounting option available to help small businesses calculate their net tax for GST/HST purposes. This method reduces paperwork and makes it easier to calculate GST/HST remittances and file GST/HST returns because it eliminates the need to report the actual GST/HST paid or payable on most purchases.
As a professional, you want to help all your clients grow their businesses and meet their goals. At Business Development Bank of Canada (BDBC), we share that objective. By working together, we can provide your clients even more options.