Start with an idea that has potential. Find out as much as you can from others such as your friends, family, the library, other business owners, the web, etc. You must convince yourself and others that your plan makes sense and is commercially viable. Your enterprise must generate enough revenue to pay the bills and earn a living.
The purpose of the assistance is to provide adequate funding for capital expenditures and working capital to enable the establishment, expansion, or maintenance of eligible industries. The assistance may be provided in the form of a loan guarantee or direct loan.
A Capital Plan is a prioritized listing (including cost estimates) for major capital projects that the community would like to undertake over the next five years. The Capital Plan includes both mandatory and optional capital projects, as well as funded and unfunded projects. Capital Projects are usually defined as projects related to the planning, design, construction, renovation or purchase of facilities for education, housing, or community infrastructure purposes. Capital assets are permanent resources in the community such as buildings, roads, utilities, land, and equipment.