"The Aboriginal peoples of Canada stand in a different legal relationship to the fisheries than non-Aboriginal Canadians. They do so by virtue of a long history with the fisheries that precedes non-Aboriginal settlement in North America, and because of the constitutional entrenchment of Aboriginal and treaty rights in Canadian law.
"The Torngat Joint Fisheries Board is the primary body making recommendations to the Minister on the conservation of species or stocks of Fish, species of Aquatic Plants and Fish Habitat in the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area.
"This policy applies to the commercial fisheries for fish and marine plants in Canadian fisheries waters in the Gulf region and in the NAFO (North Atlantic Fisheries Organization) Regulatory Area."
"A major emphasis of the AICFI program is to support the enhancement of Mi’kmaq and Maliseet Fist Nation (MMFN) commercial fishing enterprises (CFE) governance, management, administrative and operational structures and practices in order to build capacity and enhance long-term sustainability of the CFE."
"This guide provides information on the Atlantic Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative (AICFI) offered by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) including the related policies and procedures. It explains the requirements for participating in the initiative, as well as additional information that may assist eligible Mi'kmaq and Maliseet First Nation communities in the Maritimes and Gaspé Region of Québec and their Aggregate Bodies."
"Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), as the federal department with primary responsibility for oceans and the management and protection of aquatic resources, has had increasing involvement with Aboriginal communities since the 1990s, particularly in areas where DFO administers the aquatic resources and ocean spaces."
"This Reporting Procedures Handbook is intended to provide information on the reporting policies and procedures for Contribution Agreements signed under the Atlantic Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative. It explains the requirements for receiving payment and additional information that will assist the Recipient and Fisheries and Oceans Canada in evaluating the progress of the different components under the Atlantic Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative."