Now that you have decided to start your own business, you will have to determine what business structure or form of organization suits your needs. The structure of your business will depend on whether you want to run your business yourself or with a partner or associates. There are four types of business structures: sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations and cooperatives.
Starting a business from scratch can be overwhelming for first time entrepreneurs. If you have a great business idea and are ready to work hard to build it from the ground up, then you may wish to start your own business. But if you want to hit the ground running and avoid some of the common start-up pitfalls, then buying an existing business or a successful franchise may be a better option for you.
Whether you are launching a new business or expanding an established business, deciding on where you want to take your business requires a solid business plan. This six-part series will provide you the opportunity to address all of your questions and incorporate the answers directly into your business plan.
Is your business in your head? Are you trying to convince lenders, investors and shareholders that you have a credible company? A business plan is a recognized management tool that outlines exactly what your company will do and how it plans to succeed.
An experienced business advisor can help you improve your skills, facilitate your decision-making and support you in your quest to take your business to the next level.
Financial planning can help you keep your business growing profitably. It also increases your ability to foresee and plan for potential problems, and to adapt to any changes that may arise.
As a young entrepreneur between 19 and 35, you have what it takes to be successful: motivation, dedication, energy, inspiration, and innovation. BDC encourages your efforts with specialized financing and management consulting solutions. Each year, BDC highlights the outstanding achievements of young Canadian entrepreneurs at the Young Entrepreneur Awards.
As a professional, you want to help all your clients grow their businesses and meet their goals. At Business Development Bank of Canada (BDBC), we share that objective. By working together, we can provide your clients even more options.
At Business Development Bank of Canada (BDBC) we're ready to meet your specific needs. Whatever the scenario, our consultants will work closely with you to find the right solution.
At the Gardiner Centre we focus on providing training, events and solutions to help you and your organization grow. We offer a range of programs and services to help you.