
Corporate Social Responsibility: An Implementation Guide for Canadian Business [Industry Canada]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

There is growing recognition of the significant effect the activities of the private sector have on society -- on employees, customers, communities, the environment, competitors, business partners, investors, shareholders, governments and others. It is also becoming increasingly clear that firms can contribute to their own wealth and to overall societal wealth by considering the effect they have on the world at large when making decisions.

Corporate Social Responsibility [Canada Business Network]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

Link to information for starting a business

Strengthen your Management Team [Canada Business Network]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

When you start your own business, you may be used to doing everything yourself. As your business continues to grow, you will need some help in overseeing your operation. Members of your staff who have strengths in marketing, sales, accounting or informatics could assume that role. Otherwise, you may have to hire a senior team to oversee your operations, so you can concentrate on the growth of your business.

Management Leadership [Canada Business Network]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

Are your management team's skills and abilities being used effectively for the benefit of your business? Consider whether a reworking of management roles and responsibilities might open up the opportunity for an existing manager to use more of his/her qualifications and skills.

Inventory Management [Canada Business Network]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

Did you know you could increase your working capital by improving the way you manage your inventory? Effective inventory management is a crucial part of running a profitable business.

A Guide to Industrial Designs [Canadian Intellectual Property Office]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

This booklet explores what industrial designs are, what makes them “registerable,” the advantages of registration, and how to go about it.

Health and Safety [Nova Scotia Government]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

Safe workplaces are created by people who care. Your health and safety in the workplace is protected by Nova Scotia's Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations. We are a key part of Nova Scotia's Workplace Safety and Insurance System. Our staff promote, coordinate, administer, and enforce occupational health and safety for you.

Advancing Healthy Workplaces [Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

This is your section for practical “how-to” information related to assessing, developing, implementing, managing, maintaining, and evaluating healthy workplace initiatives. The toolkit information below is selected to help and support you in creating your own healthy workplace initiatives.

Information on Occupational Health and Safety [Government of Canada, GC]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

"We all spend a considerable portion of our day in the workplace. Ensuring that workplaces are safe is important to the well-being of everyone and to the performance of the country's economy. The Government of Canada protects workplace safety through legislation, programs and services designed to prevent accidents and injuries on the job. The Labour Program works pro-actively with employers to reduce occupational injuries and illnesses in federally regulated workplaces by providing information on improving health and safety in their organizations."

Intellectual property and copyright

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

Intellectual property (IP) refers to the creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, as well as symbols, names, pictures, designs and models used in business. Patents, trade-marks, copyrights, industrial designs, integrated circuit topographies and plant breeders’ rights are referred to as “IPrights.” Just as rights are acquired when abuilding or land is purchased, IP rights are "property” in the sense that they are based on the legal right to exclude others from using the property. Ownership of the right scan also be transferred.


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