
Toward A Cultural Model of Indigenous Entrepreneurial Attitude [Lindsay, N.]

Academy of Marketing Science Review
Year of publication: 

"Over the past decade, there have been various culture-related entrepreneurship studies. With limited exception, little culture-related research has been undertaken into entrepreneurial attitude. Most entrepreneurial attitude research has focused on western oriented, non-Indigenous entrepreneurs though at least one study investigated the entrepreneurial attitudes of Indigenous entrepreneurs. Culture is important to Indigenous people and they have strong feelings toward their self-determination, their land, and their heritage.

Opportunity recognition attitudes of nascent indigenous entrepreneurs [International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business]

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Year of publication: 

"This exploratory research aims to fill a gap in the literature. The current theory of entrepreneurial attitude toward opportunity recognition (EOR) is primarily based upon a non-indigenous entrepreneurship theory. Yet, there are significant differences between non-indigenous and indigenous forms of entrepreneurship. Non-indigenous entrepreneurship tends to emphasise economic objectives whereas indigenous entrepreneurship tends to embrace both economic and non-economic objectives.

From subsistence to commercial fishing in Northern Canada, The experience of an Inuk entrepreneur [British Food Journal]

British Food Journal
Year of publication: 

Article shows how Native entrepreneurs have to not only overcome regulatory and economic difficulties, but also the moral dilemmas of breaking social norms. The business analyzed involved selling smoked, filleted and whole char to both wholesale and retail customers. In the north, sharing of food among people is a social norm given to how hard it is to survive there.

Native Women and Micro-Enterprise [Canadian Woman Studies]

Canadian Woman Studies
Year of publication: 

"Where does female entrepreneurship fit into Canada and its attendant economic environment today? In particular, how do Aboriginal women fare in entrepreneurship, especially at the micro level? What economic and social effects does the work preformed by these women have on themselves and on their communities?"

Legal Aspects of Aboriginal Business Development [LexisNexis Canada]

LexisNexis Canada
Year of publication: 

"Today is a time of economic rebirth for Aboriginal people in Canada. The federal government has committed billions of dollars to Aboriginal business initiatives, and courts are actively settling a range of claims. Innovative business models, new forms of property, and daring ventures and partnerships flourish across Canada, with many more planned. [...] Contributors include experienced practitioners and foremost academics of Aboriginal law from Canada and the United States.

Development Corporations in Aboriginal Communities: The Canadian Experience [Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship]

Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship
Year of publication: 

"This study examines the historical development of corporate governance structures in First Nations communities in British Columbia, where development corporations are employed to assist privately-owned and community-owned entrepreneurial enterprises. First Nations entrepreneurial activity functions in an environment where business must market to a global economy while preserving traditional values, beliefs and other cultural elements. A brief history of First Nations and their enterprise development efforts is presented.

A Comparison of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Entrepreneurs in the Quebec forestry Sector [International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business]

International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
Year of publication: 

"This paper compares the portrait of forestry entrepreneurs within the Ilnu community of Mashteuiatsh to one of non-Aboriginal forestry entrepreneurs. The information was mainly collected using a survey in the winter of 2008 for the Aboriginal group and in the winter of 2007 for the non-Aboriginal group. Interviews were also conducted in situ with the Aboriginal forestry entrepreneurs, their principal clients, the Band Council (or local government) and the local economic development organisation.

Membertou First Nation Indigenous People Succeeding as Entrepreneurs [Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy]

Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy
Year of publication: 

"At one level, the story of Membertou First Nation is inspirational. But, this paper identifies some of the unique challenges and barriers faced by First Nations people pursuing opportunities as entrepreneurs. Challenges include issues of political stability; the need to respect the value placed upon community, conservation and sustainability by the culture the limited access to traditional sources of capital and other possible barriers.

Fostering Indigenous Entrepreneurship: A Case Study of the Membertou First Nation, Nova Scotia, Canada [Center for Indigenous Economic Development and Entrepreneurship, CIEDE]

Center for Indigenous Economic Development and Entrepreneurship (CIEDE)

"What are the important factors that foster an environment for investment and entrepreneurship in Indigenous1 communities? Can these fostering factors, and those that hinder investment and entrepreneurship, be identified and generalized across communities and diverse cultures? If so, can the conditions that have been created within successful Canadian Indigenous communities, communities that foster the development and growth of entrepreneurial ventures, be recreated by other Indigenous nations?

Indigenous Entrepreneurship Research: Themes and Variations [International Research in the Business Disciplines]

International Research in the Business Disciplines
Year of publication: 

"The purpose of this paper is to offer an overview of the current study of indigenous entrepreneurship. First, while there is broad agreement on the application of the term “indigenous,” there are differences of emphasis and outright controversies about empirical description of indigenous people, especially concerning the role of ownership and private property in their culture and traditions.Second, the concept of entrepreneurship is as controversial in this field as elsewhere in management studies.


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