Strengthening the relationship between Canada's philanthropic sector and the Indigenous Communities of Atlantic Canada
For the philanthropic sector and the communities to work together more constructively, there is a need to build new relationships, understanding, co-operation, and infrastructure.
The First Nations Tax Commission is pleased to present this webinar which provides an overview of taxation and it's importance as a governance function. We discuss how the First Nations property tax system works and share stories from First Nations who are benefiting as a result of property taxation. We wrap up by explaining the tools and supports available through the FNTC for First Nations wishing to develop and implement a property tax system.
First Nation tax authorities levy and collect taxes in the same manner as other local governments throughout Canada. First Nation tax systems base taxation on a property assessment, use market value assessment methods, use professional assessors, and set rates based on a budget. Procedures for assessment appeals and tax enforcement in First Nation tax systems are also similar to other local governments.
Under the framework of the FMA, a First Nation creates its real property taxation system by making two laws: a First Nation Property Taxation Law and a First Nation Property Assessment Law. A First Nation must have both of these laws in place before it can levy and collect property taxes. The property assessment law establishes the property assessment system.
In Canada, over 30% of First Nations have property tax powers and are responding to community needs and providing local services to thousands of property taxpayers. The First Nations Tax Commission (FNTC) is a shared-governance First Nation public institution that supports First Nation taxation under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act and under section 83 of the Indian Act.
The First Nations Finance Authority (FNFA) is a statutory not-for-profit organization without share capital, operating under the authority of the First Nations Fiscal Management Act, 2005. The FNFA’s purposes are to provide First Nations governments investment options and capital planning advice and—perhaps most importantly, access to long-term loans with preferable interest rates. The FNFA is not an agent of Her Majesty or a Crown corporation and is governed solely by the First Nations communities that join as Borrowing Members.