"Licences held by the Lennox Island First Nation are communal and operated by the band. As part of our business plan Lennox Island will be undertaken to better utilize existing licences within the Lennox Island community and through partnerships outside of Lennox Island. "
"Fisherman's Pride Inc. is a primary resource harvester and seller of inshore seafood, based on the Lennox Island First Nation reserve, on Lennox Island. Fisherman's Pride is a communal commercial stakeholder in the inshore fishery, owning and administering a variety of fishery licenses and quotas. "
New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
Year of publication:
"The Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Board provides loan guarantees for the purchase of fishing licenses or quotas. The program is designed to share the financial risk with financial institutions."
"As part of the Marine Division, the staff of Licensing and Compliance Services are responsible for licensing fish processors and fish buyers, carrying out compliance inspections and enforcement of the Fisheries and Coastal Resources Act, the Fisheries Organizations Support Act, and related regulations."
"Loans to purchase a fishing licence are available for eligible independent fishers who: Have never held a licence in the commercial fishery (New Entrant), or; Are current commercial fishery licence holders who wish to diversify into a species for which they have never held a licence (New Species)."
"On June 10th the federal government promised $65 million in relief to the troubled Atlantic lobster industry, with $15 million for short-term transitional contributions for harvesters who experienced a 25% drop in income this year."
"This policy applies to the commercial fisheries for fish and marine plants in Canadian fisheries waters in the Gulf region and in the NAFO (North Atlantic Fisheries Organization) Regulatory Area."
"This five-year (2007–2011) Integrated Fisheries Management Plan covers the smelt fishery (Osmerus mordax) in coastal and inland waters of eastern New Brunswick, including all watersheds between Dalhousie and Baie-Verte (statistical districts 63 to 80)."