
Fiscal Management Act Toolkit [First Nations Tax Commission, FNTC]

First Nations Tax Commission
Year of publication: 

Under the framework of the FMA, a First Nation creates its real property taxation system by making two laws: a First Nation Property Taxation Law and a First Nation Property Assessment Law. A First Nation must have both of these laws in place before it can levy and collect property taxes. The property assessment law establishes the property assessment system.

Sample Frameworks under First Nations Fiscal Management Act [First Nations Tax Commission, FNTC]

First Nations Tax Commission
Year of publication: 

More Information and Samples of Laws and By-laws.

First Nations Fiscal Management Act

Standards and Procedures
FNTC Policies
Sample Laws

Indian Act s.83

Memorandum Of Understanding
FNTC Policies
Sample By-laws

Home [Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics]

Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics
Year of publication: 

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