"A synopsis of how public works - e.g. land-use planning, building codes, roads and bridges, parks and recreation facilities, water and sewage systems and solid waste collection and disposal - are managed in small municipalities across Canada. Instructive in addressing public works issues within Aboriginal communities."
"The goal of this report is to investigate the relationship between educational attainment, remoteness, and labour market and economic performance at the reserve level for Aboriginal Canadians. The report uses reserve-level data on average earnings, GDP per capita, labour market indicators and distance to a service centre for 312 reserves. Using descriptive statistics, simple correlation and multiple regression analysis, the report draws conclusion on four important questions.
The Centre for Sustainable Community Development at Simon Fraser University
Year of publication:
"The purpose of the project was to investigate what other First Nations have done to support their small business operators, and to create a process to look at what could be done in your community."
Comprehensive community planning is holistic view of our community and
what our future plans are. It is comprehensive in nature, as it takes every
aspect of our community into consideration when looking at our future. The
CCP enables us to identify what we want for our family, children, grandchildren
and community as a whole.
National Aboriginal Economic Development Board (NAEDB)
Year of publication:
"The objective of this Report is to support to the Government’s commitment to ensuring that Aboriginal peoples are full partners in the Canadian economy, share fully in economic opportunities and achieve economic success that benefits Aboriginal people and all Canadians. The recommendations set out in the Report have been developed by the Board at a number of meetings held between January, 2008 and January, 2009. The Report
addresses Aboriginal economic development in its broadest sense."
National Aboriginal Economic Development Board (NAEDB)
Year of publication:
"The Aboriginal Economic Benchmarking Report is the first comprehensive document of its kind to assemble indicators and establish benchmarks to measure the social and economic well-being of First Nations, Inuit and Métis. It focuses on the key indicators and measures that best align with the Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development.The Benchmarking Report project was developed by the NAEDB over a four year period beginning in 2008-09. It synthesizes a substantial body of research and analysis undertaken at the direction of the NAEDB."
A Licence of Occupation is a legal agreement authorizing the temporary occupation and use of Crown Land for such a period of time and under such terms and conditions as the Minister determines to be appropriate. A licence and any renewals cannot exceed twenty years in total. Licences of occupation can be issued for access roads, utility poles and anchors, maple sugary corridors, commercial signs, community event or as an interim measure prior to the finalization of another agreement.
A Licence of Occupation is a legal agreement authorizing the temporary occupation and use of Crown Land for such a period of time and under such terms and conditions as the Minister determines to be appropriate. A licence and any renewals cannot exceed twenty years in total. Licences of occupation can be issued for access roads, utility poles and anchors, maple sugary corridors, commercial signs, community event or as an interim measure prior to the finalization of another agreement.