"This paper is intended to guide network discussions by identifying an initial set of issues which arise from the academic literature on urban Aboriginal communities. The paper is organized around a series of contexts that confront those as they work to develop their economies, participate in the wage economy, and develop a business sector. These include the socio-demographic context, the jurisdictional context, the policy context, the institutional context and the program context.
National Center for First Nation Governance (NCFNG)
Year of publication:
"Five Pillars of Effective Governance is now available as a PDF booklet and can be viewed at fngovernance.org/pillars. Learn about The People, The Land, Laws & Jurisdiction, Institutions, Resources – pillars for developing effective, independent First Nations governance. The booklet introduces a key set of principles that helps to blend traditional values with the modern realities of self-governance. These principles, developed in think tanks and dialogue with indigenous governance experts, form the foundation for NCFNG’s philosophy and services. "