
Statistics on Indigenous peoples [Statistics Canada]

Statistics Canada
Year of publication: 

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Crime and victimization
Includes information on adult criminal courts, corrections, crime reporting, victim services, children and youth, and violence against Indigenous women.

Demographic characteristics and Indigenous groups
Includes demographic, social and economic characteristics of Indigenous peoples.

Education, learning and skills
Education and skills related to the Indigenous population in Canada, including educational attainment, field of study, educational outcomes, literacy, and technology use.

Guide to Doing Business in New Brunswick, Canada [Josh J.B. McElman & Arthur T. Doyle]

Cox & Palmer Law
Year of publication: 

“This is a general guide to certain laws applicable to doing business in New Brunswick, Canada. The guide covers topics such as, structures for doing business in New Brunswick, investment, import/export, warranties and consumer protection, director liability and investment, with an emphasis on labour and employment and tax.”

Aboriginal People in Canada's Labour Market [Caledon Institute of Social Policy]

Caledon Institute
Year of publication: 

"Using data from the 1996 Census and the 1991 Census-based Aboriginal Peoples Survey, this report compares the job situation of Aboriginal people to that of the general population. The Aboriginal identity population (i.e., people who see themselves as Aboriginal) grew by 33 percent between 1991 and 1996, as opposed to just 6 percent for the non-Aboriginal population. Much of this growth is the result of the very "young" age profile of the Aboriginal population. In 1996, 35 percent of the Aboriginal identity population was under 15, compared to 20 percent for the whole population.

Social Capital and Aboriginal Economic Development [University of Toronto]

University of Toronto
Year of publication: 

"I suggest that geographical isolation segregates individuals and communities from linking and bridging networks; reliance on bonding networks in such locales often results in limited access to financial and human resources. In places where networks extend beyond the community, larger pools of resources are accessed. The dissertation highlights, however, the potential detrimental role that such external networks can play in the family lives of marginal communities.

Digging Beneath the Surface of Aboriginal Labour Market Development: Analyzing Policy Discourse in the Context of Northern Alberta's Oil Sands [Aboriginal Policy Studies, APS]

Aboriginal Policy Studies (APS)
Year of publication: 

"This paper provides an analysis of policy discourse as it concerns Indigenous labour market development in Northern Alberta. In the process, the authors unearth the manner in which current federal and provincial government policy obscures a long history of attempted colonial domination with respect to Indigenous peoples in Canada more generally. Typically, economic booms are spoken of as an opportunity to democratize labour opportunities, through the discourse of “partnership” and “social inclusion” in particular.

Beyond the Blue and Green: The Need to Consider Aboriginal Peoples' Relationships to Resource Development in Labor-Environment Campaigns [Labor Studies Journal]

Labor Studies Journal
Year of publication: 

"In this article, I argue that labor researchers in North America need to engage more thoroughly with Indigenous studies if they hope to advance social and environmental justice. First, I suggest that researchers approach Aboriginal peoples’ relationships to the environment by supporting Aboriginal rights to lands and resources. Second, and related to this point, I raise the issue of the need for Aboriginal-controlled development in northern Aboriginal communities.

Tips for Hiring Aboriginal Employees [Aboriginal Human Resource Council, AHRC]

Aboriginal Human Resource Council (AHRC)

"Culturally-sensitive and effective interviewers know the background, experience and culture of the job candidates they interview and respond to each candidate on the basis of individual merit. By understanding that limited availability of work, lack of training opportunities, distance from major economic centres and a variety of personal factors may be responsible for inconsistent work records, the interviewer can more accurately assess an Aboriginal candidate’s resume."

Working with Aboriginal Colleagues [Aboriginal Human Resource Council, AHRC]

Aboriginal Human Resource Council (AHRC)

"Aboriginal people (First Nations, Métis and Inuit people in Canada) are known as storytellers. This has been a sacred process that is viewed by many as the soul of the people. This soul of every native culture has always found its surest expression in stories. Without the written language culture, all traditional customs were shared by storytelling, and passed down in this same manner over many generations. Given this cultural background, five suggestions can guide the ways you listen to Aboriginal colleagues"

Mastering Aboriginal Inclusion [Aboriginal Human Resource Council, AHRC]

Aboriginal Human Resource Council (AHRC)

"Mastering Aboriginal Inclusion training helps organizations climb our seven-stage Inclusion Continuum to create workplaces of inclusion through an effective ensemble of learning modules and essential tools that position them to become employers of choice to Aboriginal talent."

Leadership Circle [Aboriginal Human Resource Council, AHRC]

Aboriginal Human Resource Council (AHRC)

"In 2008/09 we launched a successful employer-focused strategy that brings together Canada’s leading inclusion employers. Our partners have the common goal of investing in the advancement of Aboriginal economic and social inclusion."


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