
A Career - Life planning Model for First Nations People [Journal of Employment Counseling]

Journal of Employment Counseling
Year of publication: 

"A career-life planning model for use with First Nations people is described. This model uses a communal counseling process and focuses on key components such as connectedness, balance, needs, roles, gifts, and values."

Indigenous Economies, Theories of Subsistence, and Women: Exploring the Social Economy Model for Indigenous Governance [American Indian Quarterly, AIQ]

American Indian Quarterly (AIQ)
Year of publication: 

"The article consists of three sections. The first section discusses definitions and contemporary significance of subsistence and indigenous economies. It questions the prevailing narrow, economistic analyses and interpretations of subsistence. Although economic development projects such as resource extraction may improve fiscal independence and strengthen the economic base of indigenous communities, they also present serious threats to indigenous economies. The second section examines the relationship between subsistence and wage labor, particularly from the perspective of women.

Cameco Corporation: Aboriginal Business Development Success Models [Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, JAED]

Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development (JAED)
Year of publication: 

"This case study profiles the Cameco Corporation, a uranium company headquartered in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, with a special emphasis on its initiatives related to Aboriginal business and community partnerships. The article identifies what Cameco has done to ensure successful relations with Northern Aboriginal Communities, how successful Aboriginal Business partnerships have been formed, and presents an overall model for how Aboriginal peoples and Corporate Canada can cooperate to drive economic growth for all parties involved."

Career Counselling First Nations Youth: Applying the First Nations Career-Life Planning Model [Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy]

Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy
Year of publication: 

"The purpose of the study was to field-test the First Nations Career-Life Planning Model, developed by McCormick and Amundson (1997), to determine, from participant feedback, if the model was viable, practical, and culturally appropriate. First Nations youth as well as family and community members participated in career counselling sessions and provided feedback on the model. The comments and feedback were categorised into five themes that support and suggest ways of improving the model further. Implications for practice and future research are included."

Comprehensive Community Plan 2018 [Abegweit First Nation]

Year of publication: 

Comprehensive community planning is holistic view of our community and
what our future plans are. It is comprehensive in nature, as it takes every
aspect of our community into consideration when looking at our future. The
CCP enables us to identify what we want for our family, children, grandchildren
and community as a whole.

Wagmatcook Community Development Plan [Dalhousie University]

Dalhousie University
Year of publication: 

"A Community Development Plan outlining priorities, projects and community infrastructure for Wagmatcook First Nation in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia."

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