
Moving Forward with Elders' Recommendations from the APCFNC Elders Research Project "Honouring Traditional Knowledge" - Considerations from Two-Eyed Seeing and Co-Learning[Atlantic Aboriginal Economic Development Integrated Research Program, AAEDIRP]

Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat
Year of publication: 

Moving Forward with Elders' Recommendations from the APCFNC Elders Research Project "Honouring Traditional Knowledge" - Considerations from Two-Eyed Seeing and Co-Learning - Presentation made by Elders Albert and Murdena Marshall & Professor Cheryl Bartlett of Cape Breton University at the AAEDIRP University Partners Meeting March 2012.

Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources Annual Report 2007-2008 - Dedicated to Our Environment [Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources, UINR]

Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources
Year of publication: 

Unama’ki Institute of Natural Resources

Degrees and Programs: Bachelor of Science Community Studies (BScCS) Integrative Science [Cape Breton University, CBU]

Cape Breton University (CBU)
Year of publication: 

Integrative Science brings together scientific knowledges and ways of knowing from Indigenous and Western world views to provide science education. This “bringing knowledges together” is known as Toqwa’tu’kl Kjijitaqnn in the Mi’kmaq language and as “Two-Eyed Seeing” in the words of Mi’kmaw Elder Albert Marshall. “Two-Eyed Seeing” is more than a label ...

Historical Overview: Mi'kma'ki - Mi'kmaw Homeland [Cape Breton University, CBU]

Cape Breton University (CBU)
Year of publication: 

Mi'kmaw people depended on the land for their sustenance and as such were a nomadic people who lived and travelled throughout Mi'kma'ki according to the time of year and the seasonal pattern. Mi'kma'ki was divided into seven districts:Kespukwitk, Sipekni'katik, Eskikewa'kik, Unama'kik, Epekwitk aq Piktuk, Siknikt, and Kespek. Consequently, in an effort to maintain orderly conduct and good relationships between families, travel throughout Mi'kma'ki was based on respect for those whose hunting territory one may be travelling through.

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