This report identifies a Cluster Model as a framework for successfully engaging, supporting and
guiding Aboriginal women and other marginalized women towards self-employment and/or leading and
participating in business enterprises.
“Neuro linguistic programming trains users to bring their unconscious to the surface so they can have real choice in the world, and be able to create the outcomes they desire. Knowing how to interact with the world is the first step in being able to respond conscientiously, but training in NLP requires practice! For users with a grasp of NLP’s basic principles, NETC’s NLP Tools for Real Life takes your understanding to the next level by providing you with hands-on experience with NLP techniques.”
“Neuro linguistic programming, or NLP for short, teaches users how identify the ingredients for success. It’s the study of how we think, how that thinking structures our experiences, and how we can reshape our thoughts to get better results in what we do based on how we do it. By changing how we approach the world, we can create real change within it!”