Public Policy

Not Strangers in These Parts: Urban Aboriginal Peoples [David Newhouse and Evelyn Peters]

Government of Canada
Year of publication: 

“These papers represent some issues that face public policy-makers as they begin to work toward programs and policies that will address the aspirations and needs of Aboriginal people and communities in urban areas.”

Building Authentic Partnerships: Aboriginal Participation in Major Resource Development Opportunities [Public Policy Forum]

Public Policy Forum
Year of publication: 

“This report highlights the most promising opportunities for action that emerged from the discussions, summarized around five challenges.”

Income On- and Off-Reserve: How Aboriginals are Faring [Helmar Drost and John Richards]

Renouf Publishing Co. Ltd.
Year of publication: 

“Helmar Drost and John Richards argue that although Aboriginal concerns are receiving more attention in public policy debates, most public attention is devoted to on-reserve communities. They argue this is inadequate, because growing numbers of Canada’s Aboriginal population live off-reserve and in cities today. Drost and Richards note that the social, educational and employment problems facing both on- and off-reserve groups are daunting, and that both deserve the equal attention of policymakers.”

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