The LAB was established by the originating First Nations of the Framework Agreement. The LAB is comprised of an elected Chairman and regionally elected Directors, determined by the Councils of the Operational signatory First Nations. The LAB is the political body supporting signatories to the Framework Agreement in the implementation of their own land management regimes.
We thank you for visiting the newly redesigned Lands Advisory Board (LAB) and First Nations Land Management Resource Centre Inc. (RC) website. We are pleased to offer a full range of training and resource materials to everyone interested in discovering more about the historic Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management.
"The purpose of this paper is to highlight background information on the opportunities and challenges associated with Aboriginal participation in major resource development. The focus is on major resource projects in energy (oil, gas and hydro) and mining sectors in Canada.
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Year of publication:
"This case study uses an interdisciplinary approach to examine Inuit and First Nations perspectives and initiatives to foster sustainable entrepreneurship and economic development related to the forthcoming Mackenzie Gas Pipeline in Canada's Northwest Territories. The 1,220-kilometer pipeline will connect the Mackenzie Delta to the Alberta Oil Sands and North American markets. These findings will be of interest to business, government and Indigenous leaders involved in resource development.