Basic information on how GST/HST works, what is HST, place-of-supply rules, what we mean by taxable, zero-rated, and exempt supplies, importing and exporting, buying or selling a business.
The Province of Prince Edward Island levies a 10% revenue tax (PST) on the purchase, importation, lease or rental of most goods and certain services. The PST is applied to the retail selling price, including GST, of taxable goods.
If your corporation incurs costs from qualified scientific research and experimental development made in Nova Scotia, you could receive a 15% tax credit when you file your taxes.
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) helps create and sustain healthy workplaces, by providing you and your organization with trusted, authoritative training and education programmes.
When selling your business or even part of your business, there are things that you need to know. The following information will help you in the sale of your business.
Bankruptcy is a legal process that can provide relief to honest but unfortunate debtors. When you are in bankruptcy, no unsecured creditor can garnishee your wages or initiate any other collection action against you.