Program Highlights include: (1) Promote stewardship of Aboriginal lands within the context of government policies and industrial development; (2) Understand how Aboriginal history, politics and cultural values influence natural resource management; (3) Develop skills and techniques for natural resource management in a 3 week environmental field school; and (4) Participate in an optional international field school - past destinations include Tanzania and Mexico.
The Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program is designed to allow individuals working in Aboriginal business settings to acquire business skills and knowledge without having to leave their jobs or relocate their families.
Skilled trades people are a critical part of the labour force requirement for the offshore oil and gas industry, particularly during the development or construction phase of a project. This report presents estimates of the number of unionized construction workers in Nova Scotia in selected trades of relevance for the offshore, along with a detailed profile of their skills, credentials and experience.
"This report provides an overview of the Summative Evaluation of Provincial Benefits and Measures (PBMs) delivered under the Canada-New Brunswick Labour Market Development Agreement (LMDA). It draws on qualitative and quantitative technical reports Footnote 7 and consists of seven sections:"
There are many career opportunities in the trades, everything from construction and roofing to cooking and hairstyling. Visit Skills Canada to learn more about careers in the trades.
This “Study Strategies and Exam Preparation Guide” helps you prepare to write the Interprovincial (IP) Red Seal or Provincial Certification exam. It provides direction and information on such areas as study habits, test preparation, and test taking techniques.