Student Performance

Why is BC Best? The Role of Provincial and Reserve School Systems in Explaining Aboriginal Student Performance [John Richards]

C.D. Howe Institute
Year of publication: 

“The Commentary discusses three institutional and policy differences between British Columbia and other provinces that may explain its superior outcomes: i) more comprehensive and regular monitoring of Aboriginal student performance in the core competencies of reading, writing and mathematics; ii) incentives for provincial school districts to innovate and consult with local Aboriginal leaders; and iii) the encompassing nature of First Nation institutions providing secondary services to reserve schools.”

Understanding the Aboriginal/Non-Aboriginal Gap in Student Performance: Lessons From British Columbia [John Richards, Jennifer Hove and Kemi Afolabi]

C.D. Howe Institute

“There exist very large gaps between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal student performance in most B.C. schools. However, Aboriginal students in some school districts perform remarkably well. What are these districts doing right? The authors draw lessons that may well apply across Canada.”

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