
Turtle Island Tourism Company: "Celebrating the people who were here first and what they did" [Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, AANDC]

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Year of publication: 

“See how, through the efforts of Turtle Island Tourism Company, many non-Aboriginal Canadians have a greater understanding of the richness and diversity of Aboriginal culture. Today, Aboriginal peoples are proud to showcase who they are while acknowledging and respecting those who came before them.”

Osoyoos Indian Band: "We have so many opportunities here; I think that is the greatest success” [Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, AANDC]

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Year of publication: 

“Situated in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, the Osoyoos Indian Band has a strong vision for its future, which it is realizing through initiatives in agriculture, eco-tourism, and commercial, industrial and residential developments. The combination of rich agricultural land and desert tracts provides ideal conditions for many of the Band's businesses, most notably their vineyards and winery.”

Nunavut Sivuniksavut: "I see my culture in a different light and it makes me proud of who I am" [Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, AANDC]

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Year of publication: 

“Nunavut Sivuniksavut (NS) is a unique eight-month college program based in Ottawa. See how, in combination with traditional and cultural teachings, the NS program provides students with an opportunity to learn about Inuit history, organizations, land claims and other issues relevant to their future careers in Nunavut.”

Piikani Nation Housing Authority: "We feel proud to be Piikani Again [Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, AANDC]

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Year of publication: 

“The Piikani Nation is transforming the lives of its band members through its innovative five year comprehensive housing strategy. New homes are being built, older homes renovated, youth are learning skilled trades, and people are proud to live on the Piikani Nation reserve.”

Northern Youth Abroad: A Cross Cultural Work and Learning Experience [Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, AANDC]

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Year of publication: 

“Northern Youth Abroad is a program serving youth living in Nunavut and the Northwest Territories, offering high school credits, travel, and work experience in southern Canada and abroad. See how Northern Youth Abroad inspires youth.”

Outma Sqilx'w Cultural School: Balancing Past and Present [Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, AANDC]

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Year of publication: 

“Outma Sqilx'w Cultural School, at the Penticton Indian Band, is architecturally stunning, with state-of-the-art technology, balancing the past with the present. Outma Sqilx'w Cultural School will ensure a cultural legacy for the community's children for generations to come.”

The Mi'kmaq Confederacy of Prince Edward Island: "Working together to improve the lives of Mi'kmaq" [Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, AANDC]

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Year of publication: 

“Learn how MCPEI works with both First Nations in defining what their priorities and areas of interest are and then establishes programs and services in support of those areas.”

Manitobah Mukluks: "Stitch by stitch, bead by bead, we tell the story of our People" [Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, AANDC]

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Year of publication: 

“See how Manitobah Mukluks, founded by two Métis siblings and 100% Aboriginal-owned, has grown from a tiny native crafts outlet to a thriving commercial operation, providing employment and taking the worldwide fashion industry by storm.”

Wawatay Native Communications Society: Serving the Communication needs of Nishnawbe Aski Nation [Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, AANDC]

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Year of publication: 

“Wawatay Native Communications Society, located in Sioux Lookout, Ontario, provides media services in television, radio, and newsprint to communities throughout Northern Ontario. See how Wawatay Native Communications Society promotes language retention and cultural awareness through its programming and feature stories.”

Aboriginal Music Week: A Musical Celebration of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Culture [Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada, AANDC]

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada
Year of publication: 

“Aboriginal Music Week is a one week festival that takes place in downtown Winnipeg every fall, featuring musical performances by First Nation, Métis and Inuit artists. Performers of hip hop, folk, rock, blues, and country take centre stage throughout the week.”


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