
Home [Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics]

Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics
Year of publication: 

The Tulo Centre offers high quality workshops on a variety of specific topics. We can also work with you to develop custom workshops.

The Tulo Center offers the open textbook Building a Competitive First Nation Investment Climate free to read and open to collaborate.

The Tulo Centre offers outstanding accredited programs to help First Nations build legal and administrative frameworks for markets to work.

Online Video Workshops [Native Education and Training College, NETC]

Native Education and Training College

“We’ve got a wide variety of video workshop offerings! Roll your mouse over each title for a brief summary of the film. Contact us to get the video for your workplace.”

Building Operator Certification (BOC) Program - Level 1 [Canadian Institute for Energy Training, CIET]

Northwest Energy Efficiency Council
Year of publication: 

"Level I classes support the BOC operator skill standard by devoting significant content to the topics of HVAC controls, common opportunities for operational improvements, and building scoping for energy efficiency. The Level I course series provides building operators with knowledge and skill enhancement in the key activities associated with energy efficient building operations. 1001-1006 are core classes, complemented by one of the supplemental classes which are selected by area program administrators to enhance the BOC training experience to specific regions throughout the country."

Valuing Ecological Goods and Services from the Forest: Overview and Results of Five Regional Workshops [Canadian Model Forest Network, CMFN]

Canadian Model Forest Network
Year of publication: 

Includes a summary of workshop discussions related to payment methods and valuation and financing of ecological goods and services.

Events for Woodlot Owners [Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, NSDNR]

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources

A list of events for woodlot owners, including information about the forest ecosystem classification trainers' certification course, management techniques, chainsaw use and safety training, and sustainable woodlot management workshop.

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