About this Strategic Plan
The strategic plan is published by the federal research granting agencies—the Canadian Institutes of... [more]
"The growth of Aboriginal band-owned enterprises has reduced high unemployment levels and increased self-reliance. Growth of Enterprises in Aboriginal Communities highlights the economic success of five Aboriginal communities. These community businesses use strategic planning and standard business practices, while maintaining traditional Aboriginal values. All community members share the benefits. This report documents the experience of the Osoyoos Indian Band, Lac La Ronge Indian Band, Membertou First Nation, Mississauga's of the New Credit First Nation and Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation. These First Nations have established development corporations that select, govern and manage their band-owned enterprises, in order to ensure that the businesses remain profitable and accountable to the communities. First Nations are searching for ways to gain recognition of their rights and realize their vision of self-reliance. They view business development and growth as vital in terms of achieving economic self-sufficiency for their communities."