Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat
Year of publication:
"Post-secondary resources in this scan have been divided into three topics: Fisheries, Business, and Arts, Social Sciences and Integrative Science. The scan documents an immense number of university and college programming, Aboriginal support services, research centres, research reports and projects, and key knowledge holders who can potentially contribute to capacity building in the First Nations fisheries.
Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat
Year of publication:
Moving Forward with Elders' Recommendations from the APCFNC Elders Research Project "Honouring Traditional Knowledge" - Considerations from Two-Eyed Seeing and Co-Learning - Presentation made by Elders Albert and Murdena Marshall & Professor Cheryl Bartlett of Cape Breton University at the AAEDIRP University Partners Meeting March 2012.
Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs Secretariat
Year of publication:
"First Nations should be looking at opportunities to participate in renewable energy development at the local, regional, and provincial levels. This Summary Guide is the first step to assist the Nova Scotia and New Brunswick communities to become more familiar with the various renewable energy technologies, and to look at the range of opportunities that are possible."