Interest in Indigenous tourism has grown dramatically as more travelers experience the authenticity, uniqueness and diversity of stories and products offered by Indigenous peoples and communities across Canada. This year’s guide features more than 170 experiences, stories and businesses to inspire you to visit and learn more about the many Indigenous nations, peoples and communities across Canada.
The Aboriginal Financial Officers Association of Canada (AFOA) is very pleased to introduce JAM: The Journal of Aboriginal Management - a professional journal for Aboriginals across Canada working in the finance and management fields.
"Canadian Aboriginal women share this global experience of discrimination and violations of their fundamental rights, as evidenced by the high levels of violence against Aboriginal women, inadequate housing and income, and the low levels of employment, education, entrepreneurship and overall economic advancement. They rely more heavily on social assistance and are more likely to head up a single parent family than their male counterparts. Aboriginal women face socio- economic challenges unlike those faced by any other woman in the country."
"The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) appreciates the invitation extended to National Aboriginal Organization leaders to meet with the Prime Minister and Premiers prior to this First Minister’s Meeting, and to focus this meeting on Aboriginal issues. NWAC has worked for over 34 years to enhance, promote, and foster the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of Aboriginal women in Canada.
This Guide is intended to answer such questions as: What benefits can I expect?; Is my site appropriate for a small wind turbine?; and Which turbine is best for me? It follows a basic "check-list" approach, from evaluating your wind resource and whether your site is suitable for a small wind turbine to choosing the right equipment, obtaining the necessary permits and approvals, selecting an installation contractor, and maintaining and operating your small wind turbine safely.
ACQRA provides resources to facilitate carrying out qualitative research by developing relationships with existing research centres at St. Thomas University, bringing in internationally recognized scholars to make public presentations and to consult with local qualitative researchers about their work.
The Centre has helped researchers develop their ideas and research agendas by providing opportunities to present at interdisciplinary conferences and symposia. In its four-year existence, the NBASRDC has hosted to two symposia and two conferences.