Innu Development Limited Partnership Has been recognized for its achievements in 2005,2007, 2009, and 2011 for band enterprises and Entrepreneurship awards in Atlantic Canada
Jointly-owned by Ocean Choice International and IDLP. Innu Development’s fishing venture proved to be an excellent opportunity for Innu fishers interested in the offshore fishery to receive hands-on training
Innu-Shaw provides a wide ranges of services including the supply and manufacture of housing and accommodations; work camps; land developments and other industrial products
IDLP Properties owns and manages real estate in Goose Bay. Presently, it manages four office buildings: the IED Building at 6 Burnwood Drive, the IBDC Building on 15 King Crescent, and the Innu Nation Building in Sheshatshiu and Natuashish.
Provide catering and facility management services to the construction and mining industries, the offshore exploration sector, marine passenger vessels and asylum seekers’ accommodation centers.