"The second in a series of three, this report surveys data submitted by 38 companies participating in the Progressive Aboriginal Relations (PAR) program offered by the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business and representing various industries operating in Canada between 2001 and 2009.
"Today is a time of economic rebirth for Aboriginal people in Canada. The federal government has committed billions of dollars to Aboriginal business initiatives, and courts are actively settling a range of claims. Innovative business models, new forms of property, and daring ventures and partnerships flourish across Canada, with many more planned. [...] Contributors include experienced practitioners and foremost academics of Aboriginal law from Canada and the United States.
"Aboriginal economic developmentā differs from other forms of development by emphasizing aboriginal values and community involvement. Joint ventures, while providing business advantages, may not be able to contribute to aboriginal economic development. This paper examines two joint ventures in the interior of British Columbia to examine their ability or inability to contribute the extra dimensions of development desired by aboriginal communities.
The objectives of this study are the following: (1) to determine with greater precision the number, type and geographic location of these partnerships; (2) to gain a better understanding of the motivations behind agreements and the obstacles and challenges in developing these partnerships and making them succeed; (3) to estimate the nature of the results in terms of employment, new business formation and other benefits to Aboriginal communities; and (4) to gain a better appreciation of the implications of this growing phenomenon for public policy and for future action on the part of industr
This guide offers insight on the mining process and how Aboriginal peoples can leverage law and policy to generate economic benefits from mining operation in their region.
"This thesis will examine Aboriginal Economic Development (AED) in two Cariboo-Chilcotin communities involved in forestry joint ventures. In particular, the thesis will reveal how each forestry joint venture (JV) keeps politics from over-running the business, and how each aboriginal community defines the success of their forestry JV. AED is different from mainstream economic development, in that it involves an aboriginal community/nation achieving self-reliance through business, while not compromising their traditional culture, values, or language.