nancyp - 3 August 2012 - 10:07am
With the increasing number of entrepreneurs using digital assets like websites and social media profiles to grow their businesses, security is a growing concern at every level. Your business is important to you and so are your customers so it’s imperative you take the necessary steps to ensure you’re protected.
nancyp - 3 August 2012 - 9:53am
Is your business a target for cyber crime? Some business owners feel they are too small to be noticed, but you do have something cybercriminals want - your business and customer information. No computer security system is absolutely foolproof and no business is too small that it is not worth targeting. The best way to protect your business is to be aware of the threats, have a plan to deal with them and know what to do if you are attacked.
nancyp - 2 August 2012 - 4:00pm
Do you have an action plan in place to keep your business secure and protect it from fraud? Security is a key issue today as many business owners are increasing their transactions over the Internet. Make sure your business can detect and avoid fraud and security risks before they happen.