Resource Development

Impact and Benefits Agreements: The Role of Negotiated Agreements in the Creation of Collaborative Planning in Resource Development [Adam Wright]

Aboriginal Mining
Year of publication: 

This document is about a current state of knowledge regarding the interactions and effectiveness of IBAs in the creation and facilitation of collaborative planning.

Sharing in the Benefits of Resource Developments: A Study of First Nations-Industry Impact Benefits Agreement [Public Policy Forum]

Public Policy Forum
Year of publication: 

“This research describes and analyzes of the role of Impact and Benefits Agreements (IBA) in the resource development process with particular emphasis on understanding whose interests are at play, how these related to the public interest and whether there are opportunities or requirements to better align interests.”

Building Authentic Partnerships: Aboriginal Participation in Major Resource Development Opportunities [Public Policy Forum]

Public Policy Forum
Year of publication: 

“This report highlights the most promising opportunities for action that emerged from the discussions, summarized around five challenges.”

Aboriginal Participation in Major Resource Development, Background Paper [Public Policy Forum]

Public Policy Forum
Year of publication: 

"The purpose of this paper is to highlight background information on the opportunities and challenges associated with Aboriginal participation in major resource development. The focus is on major resource projects in energy (oil, gas and hydro) and mining sectors in Canada.

An Exploration of Joint Venture as a Sustainable Development Tool for First Nations [Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, JAED]

Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development (JAED)
Year of publication: 

"The focus of this discussion is the joint venture that can allow First Nations to enter the resource development and service industries. It can provide incomes, as ell as revenue that can be used to support social spending. Potential benefits of joint ventures include access to the capital, technology, expertise, market access and other benefits offered by a corporate partner."

Getting ready for oil and gas development in Canada's Northwest Territories: aboriginal entrepreneurship and economic development [International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business IJESB]

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Year of publication: 

"This case study uses an interdisciplinary approach to examine Inuit and First Nations perspectives and initiatives to foster sustainable entrepreneurship and economic development related to the forthcoming Mackenzie Gas Pipeline in Canada's Northwest Territories. The 1,220-kilometer pipeline will connect the Mackenzie Delta to the Alberta Oil Sands and North American markets. These findings will be of interest to business, government and Indigenous leaders involved in resource development.

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