Tax Administration System (TAS) is a simple and powerful administrative tool designed to help tax administrators efficiently manage the complete annual property tax cycle through an online portal that connects to other operational software to streamline your information across multiple platforms.
First Nations Tax Commission Portal - Produce laws, submit laws for review & acceptance, Aggregate and collect statistical information, school tax audit reporting.
The First Nations Tax Commission is pleased to present this webinar which provides an overview of taxation and it's importance as a governance function. We discuss how the First Nations property tax system works and share stories from First Nations who are benefiting as a result of property taxation. We wrap up by explaining the tools and supports available through the FNTC for First Nations wishing to develop and implement a property tax system.
About SECTION 83 of The Indian Act
First Nations have the authority to pass by-laws related to taxation pursuant to section 83 of the Indian Act. While section 83 does grant powers of control over individual First Nations’ fiscal management it is limited in scope and jurisdiction. Section 83 by-laws proposed by First Nations require ministerial approval, on the advice of the First Nations Tax Commission.
In Canada, over 30% of First Nations have property tax powers and are responding to community needs and providing local services to thousands of property taxpayers. The First Nations Tax Commission (FNTC) is a shared-governance First Nation public institution that supports First Nation taxation under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act and under section 83 of the Indian Act.
The LAB was established by the originating First Nations of the Framework Agreement. The LAB is comprised of an elected Chairman and regionally elected Directors, determined by the Councils of the Operational signatory First Nations. The LAB is the political body supporting signatories to the Framework Agreement in the implementation of their own land management regimes.
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