There is a historical context of expropriation both
recent (Kouchibigouac National Park in the 1950s)
and further back (Acadian expulsion in 1700s) that
makes residents skeptical and cautious of shale gas
exploration activities. One-tenth of the Kent County
population is Indigenous. The Mi’gmaq never ceded
territory but rather signed a “Peace and Friendship
Treaty” with the British Crown, with responsibilities
on either side for protection (INAC, undated). The
symbolic, strategic and legal importance of this fact
A Finance & Audit Committee (FAC) is a committee that oversees the financial reporting and audit functions of a First Nation. It provides forward-thinking oversight of the investments of a First Nation and supports Council in making good financial decisions.
The Finance and Audit Committee reinforces Council’s accountability and transparency to its members. It is important to understand that it is a recommending committee only and has no decision-making authority.
“There are many ways to solve a problem, just like there are many ways to come to a decision. But what is the “best solution” or “best decision”? When determining a plan that provides the best possible solution to a particular problem, the best course of action is to consciously direct your thinking toward each step in the problem-solving process. In this course, students explore the meaning of problem solving and decision making. They gain information about different types of decisions, the difference between facts and information, and common decision making traps.”