This report identifies a Cluster Model as a framework for successfully engaging, supporting and
guiding Aboriginal women and other... [more]
The purpose of the Framework Agreement was to recognize the inherent
right of First Nations to resume control over their lands and resources for
the use and benefit of their members without Government interference, by
replacing the land provisions of the Indian Act with First Nation made laws.
The Framework Agreement provides First Nations with the option to govern
their reserve lands outside the Indian Act. The option to regain control of
their lands and resources can only be undertaken with the consent of
the community.
A signatory First Nation to the Framework Agreement creates its own land
code, community ratification process, and enters into an Individual
Agreement with Canada.
First Nations are able to deal directly
with business interests that can bring much
needed economic development opportunities
to their communities. First Nations are finally
able to function at the speed of business.
Banks and financial institutions across this
country are looking to partner with First
Nations with land codes because they have
recognized governance structures in place,
with laws, rules and regulations that protect
investors and their investments. Banks and
investors are at the table because of this
direct jurisdiction. They have the comfort of
knowing there is improved certainty to land
interests, low land transaction costs, and solid
land laws