The Indigenous Economic Progress Report 2019 [The National Indigenous Economic Development Board, NIEDB]

The National Indigenous Economic Development Board
Publisher acronym:
Year of publication: 

The 2019 National Indigenous Economic Development Board (NIEDB) Economic Progress Report
provides a thorough and in-depth analysis of the economic realities of Indigenous peoples in Canada.
The report includes three core indicators: employment; income; and, community well-being. These core
indicators are examined through 13 separate measures. Additionally, five underlying indicators are
considered: education; entrepreneurship and business development; governance; lands and resources;
and, infrastructure, with these underlying indicators examined through 18 measures. Of the 31
measures examined, 11 are new to the 2019 report, including: several which examine workforce
representation; enhanced income and educational attainment measures; community financial
certification; and, the crowding and condition of housing. The 2019 Report also for the first time
includes a Gender-Based Analysis, as well as two new composite indices: the NIEDB Economic
Development Index and the Infrastructure Index. This report serves to provide the most complete and
robust picture of Indigenous economic well-being in Canada to date.