NAEDB Strategic Plan 2012-15 [National Aboriginal Economic Development Board, NAEDB]

National Aboriginal Economic Development Board (NAEDB)
Publisher acronym:
Year of publication: 

"This strategic plan was developed with the view to establish broad long-term priorities relating to Aboriginal economic development which will guide the work and activities of the NAEDB and its Secretariat over the three year period (2012-15). These priorities will be linked to relevant objectives which will assist the federal government’s work to address the gaps between First Nation, Inuit and Métis, and non-Aboriginal Canadians.
For 2012-15, the NAEDB has identified the following long-term priorities:
1. Addressing Barriers to Aboriginal Economic Development
2. Increasing Aboriginal Participation in Major Projects
3. Providing Relevant and Timely Advice to the Federal Government"
