Online Webinar Courses explore various topics regarding Land Management Framework Agreement
Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management
Framework Agreement Full Summary
Framework Agreement Executive Summary
FNLM Act Executive Summary
First Nations Land Management Act
Introduction to the Framework Agreement
Principles of the Framework Agreement
Individual Agreement
The LAB and RC are committed to assisting all First Nations in achieving their desired goal of exercising their inherent right to control their reserve lands and resources.
Let us know if you would like more information or to coordinate a presentation to your leadership and community.
The purpose of the Framework Agreement was to recognize the inherent right of First Nations to resume control over their lands and resources for the use and benefit of their members without Government interference, by replacing the land provisions of the Indian Act with First Nation made laws.
The Framework Agreement provides First Nations with the option to govern their reserve lands outside the Indian Act. The option to regain control of their lands and resources can only be undertaken with the consent of the community.
The First Nations Land Management Resource Centre (Resource Centre) was established by the LAB and was incorporated in 2001. The Resource Centre is the service delivery organization that fulfills the LAB’s technical and administrative responsibilities under the Framework Agreement. Governed by a Board of Directors which are appointed by LAB elected officials, the Resource Centre provides developmental and operational support services throughout the pre-developmental, developmental and operational stages of land governance.
Today, the Framework Agreement has expanded to include an ever-growing number of communities across Canada who are interested in replacing the lands restrictions of the Indian Act with their own land code laws and policies.
Each operational signatory community to the Framework Agreement assumes the full law-making authority and management of their reserve lands, environment and natural resources when they ratify their land code.
Canada ratified the Framework Agreement through the passage of the First Nations Land Management Act, which was assented to June 17, 1999.
The LAB was established by the originating First Nations of the Framework Agreement. The LAB is comprised of an elected Chairman and regionally elected Directors, determined by the Councils of the Operational signatory First Nations. The LAB is the political body supporting signatories to the Framework Agreement in the implementation of their own land management regimes.
We thank you for visiting the newly redesigned Lands Advisory Board (LAB) and First Nations Land Management Resource Centre Inc. (RC) website. We are pleased to offer a full range of training and resource materials to everyone interested in discovering more about the historic Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management.
The purpose of the Framework Agreement was to recognize the inherent
right of First Nations to resume control over their lands and resources for
the use and benefit of their members without Government interference, by
replacing the land provisions of the Indian Act with First Nation made laws.
The Framework Agreement provides First Nations with the option to govern
their reserve lands outside the Indian Act. The option to regain control of
their lands and resources can only be undertaken with the consent of
the community.
The Aboriginal Software Tester Training Course is a PQA Testing initiative, funded jointly by PQA and the Joint Economic Development Initiative (JEDI) that provides Aboriginal people with recognized qualifications for the IT industry as Software Testers. The mission of the program is to inform, guide and support participants in learning the appropriate skills and knowledge to meet their goals for a career in this field.