The world economy is again adjusting to a significant increase in oil prices. Since 2002, oil prices have more than doubled and in early October, they were almost 50% higher than in December 2004. With the economy at full production capacity, the Bank of Canada has indicated that interest rates will need to rise further to keep core inflation on target. With respect to economic growth, Newfoundland and Labrador is expected to lead regional and national rankings next year.
This report reviews the Atlantic Canadian energy sector, its resource potential, and energy markets that the region could contribute toward. This research enables an assessment of how important the energy sector will be to the economic growth of Atlantic Canada.
The 22nd edition of APEC’s Major Projects Inventory identifies 294 actual and potential investment projects across Atlantic Canada, valued at $48 billion. The Inventory indicates investment spending in Atlantic Canada will likely slow down in 2006, as for the first time in over a decade, there is no multi-billion project ready to begin. Some mega-projects could start before the end of the decade, although some uncertainty is associated with these efforts.
"The Sectoral Initiatives Program funds partnership-based projects that are national in scope and/or nationally significant and that support the development of labour market information, national occupational standards and certification/accreditation regimes, to address skills shortages in strategic sectors of Canada’s economy."
Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Innovation, Business and Rural Development
Year of publication:
The Fisheries Loan Guarantee Program supports the development of the province's independent fish harvesting industry by providing a government guarantee on loans through local chartered banks for the construction or purchase of marine vessels and/or to purchase new engines and fishing equipment for the improvement, rebuilding or alteration of existing vessels. Loans may also be approved to refinance loans previously obtained from fish processors for fixed asset costs.
The Saint Mary's University Entrepreneurship Centre is a strong supporter of hiring students. The placement allows them to apply classroom knowledge through a paid work term. Co-op helps students obtain valuable hands on work experience while developing new skills through experiential learning. The co-op program is a great opportunity to work in a field of interest while in school.
Work Smarts is a paid nine month internship that combines work experience, skills training and mentoring. It allows post secondary graduates the opportunity to apply the skill sets they developed at school, in a work setting that is consistent with their past education and will allow them to become leaders in their chosen fields.
The Saint Mary's University Student Entrepreneurship Centre offers undergraduates, graduates, and post-graduates from all disciplines the opportunity to increase their awareness of entrepreneurship as a career option, as well as to start or expand their own business. The Student Entrepreneurship Centre provides business advice through one-on-one counseling, technical expertise, seminars, work-shops, competitions and networking opportunities with the business community.