
Section 83 Indian Act Toolkit [First Nations Tax Commission, FNTC]

First Nations Tax Commission
Year of publication: 

First Nation tax authorities levy and collect taxes in the same manner as other local governments throughout Canada. First Nation tax systems base taxation on a property assessment, use market value assessment methods, use professional assessors, and set rates based on a budget. Procedures for assessment appeals and tax enforcement in First Nation tax systems are also similar to other local governments.

About the FNFA [First Nations Finance Authority, FNFA]

First Nations Finance Authority
Year of publication: 

The First Nations Finance Authority (FNFA) is a statutory not-for-profit organization without share capital, operating under the authority of the First Nations Fiscal Management Act, 2005. The FNFA’s purposes are to provide First Nations governments investment options and capital planning advice and—perhaps most importantly, access to long-term loans with preferable interest rates. The FNFA is not an agent of Her Majesty or a Crown corporation and is governed solely by the First Nations communities that join as Borrowing Members.

A Guide to Community Tourism Planning in Nova Scotia [Tourism Nova Scotia]

The Economic Planning Group of Canada
Year of publication: 

The guide talks about the ‘do it yourself’ approach to preparing a community tourism plan so it is
useful for communities having limited budgets with which to retain outside assistance. However,
doing it yourself requires a substantial commitment of time and resources and may not be realistic.

A Guide to Starting and Operating a Campground Business in Nova Scotia [THE ECONOMIC PLANNING GROUP of Canada, EPG Canada]

Year of publication: 

Each manual provides information and advice on a variety of topics which will be important in
understanding the requirements for success, in assessing opportunities, in planning and
development and in starting operations. In this manual, the following topics will be covered

C The market for campgrounds in Nova Scotia;
C Requirements for success;
C Preparing a business concept and strategic plan;
C Feasibility analysis;

Untapped Potential: Social Enterprise as a Tool to Stimulate Economic Development and Drive Social Outcomes in Newfoundland & Labrador [The Canadian CED Network, CCED]

Choices for Youth
Year of publication: 

This white paper analyzes the current national social enterprise landscape and explores the opportunities and challenges in our provincial context. Sharing insights on the social and economic value of social enterprises through the analysis of policies, best practices and academic research from across the country offers key recommendations to build a thriving and social enterprise ecosystem in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Small Town P.R. Playbook [Northern Development Initiative Trust]

Northern Development Initiative Trust
Year of publication: 

The Small Town P.R. Playbook is a fun, accessible tool that has been specifically designed for local government and First nations community administrators who aren’t professional communicators, but are faced with these issues and challenges every day. The Playbook showcases the innovative work underway in small communities across British Columbia.

Beyond Transfers: A New Fiscal Relationship [Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics]

First Nations Tax Commission
Year of publication: 

The following videos are part of the #BeyondTransfers series and debuted at the 2018 National Meeting.

“Fiscal power allows us to do what works for us.” -Tulo Centre Chair, Chief Michael LeBourdais.

Fiscal power provides decision making power, financial security and autonomy as a government and community. When a community has fiscal power, they can contribute towards service jurisdictions such as education, health, land management and other local services. It’s the foundation of the jurisdiction based fiscal relationship.

Webinar: The Role of a Tax Administrator [First Nations Tax Commission, FNTC]

First Nations Tax Commission
Year of publication: 

Webinar: The Role of a Tax Administrator
5th Apr 2019 | by: FNTC

In this brief webinar, Instructor Deanna Honeyman reviews the role, responsibilities, relevant processes and available resources to tax administrators. Honeyman has worked with the Tzeachten First Nation, located in the Fraser Valley of B.C., for 10 years, currently serving as its Lands and Property Taxation Manager.

First Nations-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative Webinar [The Canadian CED Network, CCED]

Community Economic Development Initiative
Year of publication: 

The First Nations-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI), funded by Crown Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, is a joint initiative between Cando (Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) that is designed to improve the relationships and enhance the capacity of participating First Nations and municipalities to engage in joint community economic development planning and initiatives. This webinar provides an overview of the CEDI program and the Stronger Together Toolkit.


Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics
Year of publication: 

Indigenous Jurisdiction

In the past year, the Tulo Centre has been working with the Ngāi Tahu Research Centre at the University of Canterbury. Recently a delegation came from New Zealand to meet with the Tulo Centre to discuss the formalization of a working relationship between the two research centres. The Tulo Centre is pleased to bring you this conversation where Manny Jules, Te Maire Tau, Darren Russell and Rinito Davis discuss the creation of the Alliance for Renewing Indigenous Economies and the concept of Indigenous jurisdiction.


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