Economic Development

Opportunity recognition attitudes of nascent indigenous entrepreneurs [International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business]

International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Year of publication: 

"This exploratory research aims to fill a gap in the literature. The current theory of entrepreneurial attitude toward opportunity recognition (EOR) is primarily based upon a non-indigenous entrepreneurship theory. Yet, there are significant differences between non-indigenous and indigenous forms of entrepreneurship. Non-indigenous entrepreneurship tends to emphasise economic objectives whereas indigenous entrepreneurship tends to embrace both economic and non-economic objectives.

From subsistence to commercial fishing in Northern Canada, The experience of an Inuk entrepreneur [British Food Journal]

British Food Journal
Year of publication: 

Article shows how Native entrepreneurs have to not only overcome regulatory and economic difficulties, but also the moral dilemmas of breaking social norms. The business analyzed involved selling smoked, filleted and whole char to both wholesale and retail customers. In the north, sharing of food among people is a social norm given to how hard it is to survive there.

A policy-theoretic analysis of sample survey of the Mi’kmaq People of Cape Breton in the light of the knowledge-based world view [International Journal of Social Economics]

International Journal of Social Economics
Year of publication: 

"Carries out a statistical and economic analysis of socio-economic survey results on the Mi’kmaq People of Cape Breton in the light of the criterion of the social wellbeing function. Focuses on studying the social wellbeing criterion with the socio-economic variables involved in the surveys in a relational perspective among alternatives. Points out that this approach is distinct from the neoclassical resource substitution method. Instead, the relational perspective is shown to be premised on a system of universal complementarities."

In the Way of Development: Indigenous Peoples, Life Projects and Globalization [Zed Books]

Zed Books
Year of publication: 

"The intellectual focus is on the complex relationships that develop between Indigenous peoples, civil society and the environment in the context of market- and state-mandated development. The volume shows how the boundaries between Indigenous peoples’ organizations, civil society, the state, markets, development and the environment are ambiguous and constantly changing. It is this fact that lies at the heart of the political possibility of local agency, but also, ironically, of the possibility of undermining it.

Building Partnerships with Indigenous People [Engineering & Mining Journal]

Engineering & Mining Journal
Year of publication: 

"The article discusses development of partnerships by mining companies with indigenous people. Several factors have led the international mining sector to develop partnerships with indigenous people. Some of them include growth in acceptance of the Equator Principles, a benchmark for determining risk in project financing, and development of the United Nations Global Compact, an initiative to increase the commitment of business enterprises to human rights, labor standards and anti-corruption.

Aboriginal Co-operatives in Canada: Current Situation & Potential for Growth [Canadian Co-Operative Association]

Canadian Co-Operative Association
Year of publication: 

"This report reviews the contexts within which Aboriginal co-operatives exist, considers the suitability of the co-operative model for what Aboriginal leaders say about the kind of economy they wish to encourage, and draws up the findings of eleven case studies to make a series of conclusions and recommendations about the potential for growth for co-operatives owned by Aboriginal peoples for their own purposes. "

Aboriginal Co-Operatives in Canada: A Sustainable Development Strategy Whose Time Has Come [Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, JAED]

Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development (JAED)
Year of publication: 

"This paper looks at the current state of Aboriginal co-operatives, their characteristics, their sector distribution, and the contributions of Aboriginal co-operatives to regional and community economic and social development. I It examines the possibilities Aboriginal peoples might explore should they consider employing the cooperative model more extensively in meeting one or more of their needs."

Aboriginal Income Disparity in Canada [Krishna Pendakur, Ravi Pendakur]

University of Toronto Press
Year of publication: 

"Investigating the earnings and income disparity faced by Aboriginal people in Canada from 1995 to 2005, we find that Aboriginal people face substantial income and earnings gaps in comparison with Canadian-born majority-group workers with similar characteristics (such as age and education). The estimated gaps are large: about 10 to 20 percent for women and 20 to 50 percent for men. However, these gaps eroded somewhat over 1995 to 2005.

First Nations Bank of Canada: Interview with Mr. Keith Martell, Chair of the Board of Directors [Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, JAED]

Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development (JAED)
Year of publication: 

"On December 9, 1996, the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) and TO Bank officially launched the First Nations Bank of Canada. The First Nations Bank of Canada is a schedule II chartered bank that serves Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal customers throughout Canada. It is the first such bank of its kind in North America, conceived, packaged and developed by Aboriginal People for Aboriginal People.

Indigenous perspectives on ecotourism development: a British Columbia case study [Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy

Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy
Year of publication: 

"The purpose of this research is to examine Gitga'at First Nation approaches and objectives concerning the use of local biological and cultural resources through the lens of a locally-driven proposal to establish an eco-cultural tourism enterprise. [...] This research may be beneficial to other communities interested in eco-cultural tourism development or other development activities dependent on local resources use."


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