“It's true, there are common balance sheet mistakes that bankers see over and over again. How can you get an edge when applying for a loan or line of credit? You can start by understanding and avoiding the most common mistakes that get credit applications rejected.”
“Do you currently reside in a rural area and have recently made the decision to take the plunge into becoming a business owner? If your answer is a resounding yes, then your Community Business Development Corporation (CBDC) may have the perfect business loan that you need to put your plans into action. We know that oftentimes it may be difficult to obtain financial assistance for a first-time entrepreneur through traditional lending channels, so we’ve developed a perfect solution, namely the CBDC First-Time Entrepreneur Loan.
"The start-up and the first in a series of training programs designed to enable youth to start or expand businesses in discussed. The funding for the program was obtained by Kahanawake with an investment from the Department of Industry Canada designed to help youth develop their own businesses through debt financing. Thirteen people completed the course and six loan applications - supported by business plans - were submitted. Five of the loans were approved; and after one and a half years all five businesses are operating.
"Where does female entrepreneurship fit into Canada and its attendant economic environment today? In particular, how do Aboriginal women fare in entrepreneurship, especially at the micro level? What economic and social effects does the work preformed by these women have on themselves and on their communities?"
Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Industry Association
Year of publication:
This website contains links to various national and international financing and funding institutions and programs that offer support to small- and medium-sized businesses.
New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
Year of publication:
"The Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Board provides loan guarantees for the purchase of fishing licenses or quotas. The program is designed to share the financial risk with financial institutions."
New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries
Year of publication:
"The Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Board provides financial assistance in the form of loans and loan guarantees for aquaculture production and related services. The program is designed to complement other sources of lending and financial institutions"
Prince Edward Island Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
Year of publication:
"The purpose of the Fishers Low Interest Loan Program is to assist Prince Edward Island fishers experiencing financial difficulties due to rising costs, low landings in some areas and market conditions that have resulted in low shore prices for lobsters."
Prince Edward Island Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Rural Development
Year of publication:
"The purpose of the Fishers Low Interest Loan Program is to assist Prince Edward Island fishers experiencing financial difficulties due to rising costs, low landings in some areas and market conditions that have resulted in low shore prices for lobsters."