A Scalers Licence is a licence which authorizes a person to scale primary forest products harvested from NB Crown Lands or primary forest products marketed through a Producer Association. Licences will be renewed every five years.
Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Natural Resources
A list of permits / licenses required to participate in forestry activities, including commercial and domestic cutting and mill operation, buring operation,and timber exportation, scaling, and purchasing.
Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry
This provincial policy addresses important issues pertaining to the industry, such as impacts of education and training on sustainable mangement, incentives and disincentives to improve management, and funding to enhance industry performance.
This report contains information about woodlot owner demographics, behaviour, and attitudes, much of which is related to the sector's economic situation.
Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry
This program provides incentives for the preparation of forest management plans and selected nonclearcut silvicultural treatments. All activities under the Forest Enhancement Program are cost shared between the provincial government and the landowner and must meet the standards contained in the Ecosystem-Based Forest Management manual
Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry
This program provides incentives for the preparation of forest management plans and selected nonclearcut silvicultural treatments. All activities under the Forest Enhancement Program are cost shared between the provincial government and the landowner and must meet the standards contained in the Ecosystem-Based Forest Management manual
Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry
This program provides incentives for the preparation of forest management plans and selected nonclearcut silvicultural treatments. All activities under the Forest Enhancement Program are cost shared between the provincial government and the landowner and must meet the standards contained in the Ecosystem-Based Forest Management manual