
Harvesting [Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, NSDNR]

Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources

Harvesting is the most visible and influential forest management activity. It provides supplies of timber to businesses for production of wood based products while also influencing the ability of the future forest to regenerate and thrive. Harvesting systems can be categorized into two general areas: Even-aged methods such as clear-cutting, shelter wood and commercial thinning and uneven-aged management systems such as individual-tree and group selection methods.

First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act [Indian Oil and Gas Canada, IOGC]

Indian Oil and Gas Canada
Year of publication: 

The federal statute that provides First Nations with the option of managing and regulating oil and gas exploration and exploitation on their reserve lands and of receiving moneys otherwise held for them by Canada.

Best Management Practices Guide for Nutrient Management in Effluent Treatment [Forest Products Association of Canada, FPAC]

Forest Products Association of Canada
Year of publication: 

The purpose of this guide is to help mills develop a site-specific Best Management Practices (BMP) plan for nutrient management. This guide includes examples and example decision keys illustrating important points about managing nutrients applicable to activated sludge treatment systems and aerated stabilization basins.

First Nations Forestry Program Success Stories [Natural Resources Canada, [NRCAN]

Natural Resources Canada
Year of publication: 

This edition of Success Stories presents a snapshot of recent projects that the First Nations Forestry Program (FNFP) has supported to build First Nations’ capacity to participate in—and benefit from—sustainable forest management and forest-based economic opportunities. The stories are representative of the projects that have been successfully completed over recent years.

An Exploration of Non-timber Forest Product Potential in a Sub-arctic Aboriginal Setting [University of Alberta]

University of Alberta
Year of publication: 

"Aboriginal peoples have had a long history of utilizing non-timber forest products While the type of products used is well document, little is know about the quantities collected and if these products could be sold and marketed as a means of income generation for Aboriginal peoples. This thesis examines three main components of the economic development for a potential NTFP in a sub-arctic aboriginal setting. The first part of this thesis examines the cultural and institutions implication of the collection of such a product in the Gwich'in Settlement Area (GSA).

Aboriginal Forest Tenures and Governance in British Columbia: Exploring Alternatives From a Stellat'en First Nation Community Perspective [University of British Columbia, UBC]

University of British Columbia
Year of publication: 

"The purpose of this research is to contribute to the identification of appropriate forest tenure and governance designs that are in congruence with Aboriginal values, interests and rights. The research is highly relevant to current societal deliberations on sustainable forest management as well as to the future of the forest sector in Canada."

Aboriginal Peoples and Issues in Forestry Education in Canada: Breaking New Ground [The Forestry Chronicle Vol 78 Iss 2]

The Forestry Chronicle
Year of publication: 

Discusses various post-secondary institutions in Canada that develop innovative programming solutions to attract more Aboriginal students and to address the complex problems surrounding Aboriginal involvement in forest management.

Aboriginal People, Science and Innovation [The Forestry Chronicle Vol 78 Iss 1]

The Forestry Chronicle
Year of publication: 

Looks at Aboriginal ecological knowledge and scientific knowledge regarding forest management planning, and discusses how Aboriginal communities need to understand the language that planners use and the objectives they hope to achieve.

Torngat Joint Fisheries Board [Nunatsiavut Government]

Torngat Secretariat
Year of publication: 

"The Torngat Joint Fisheries Board is the primary body making recommendations to the Minister on the conservation of species or stocks of Fish, species of Aquatic Plants and Fish Habitat in the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area.

Aboriginal Fishery Strategy (AFS) [New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council, NBAPC]

New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council (NBAPC)
Year of publication: 

"In 1990, the Supreme Court of Canada issued a landmark ruling in the Sparrow decision. This decision found that the Musqueam First Nation has an Aboriginal right to fish for food, social and ceremonial purposes."


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