Strengthening the relationship between Canada's philanthropic sector and the Indigenous Communities of Atlantic Canada
For the philanthropic sector and the communities to work together more constructively, there is a need to build new relationships, understanding, co-operation, and infrastructure.
Each year, Hydro supports educational and academic achievements by providing scholarships to students at Memorial University, College of the North Atlantic, and to children of Nalcor Energy and Hydro employees and retirees who achieve high academic standings.
External Scholarships
Hydro makes annual educational contributions to Memorial University’s Schools of Business and Engineering and the College of the North Atlantic. All scholarships are awarded by the respective educational institutions. In 2009, Hydro will invest $19,000 for the following external scholarships:
The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science has standing expertise in the main disciplines of engineering (mechanical, civil, naval architecture, and electrical and computer engineering) as well as three chemical engineering faculty members with expertise in oil/gas processing, environmental operations, health and safety, and risk assessment. In addition, three Canada Research Chairs have been appointed in the areas of Reservoir Engineering; Reliability Engineering and Offshore Environmental Management; and Asset Integrity Management.
The Saint Mary's University Environmental Science Program is a rigorous science undergraduate program using an interdisciplinary approach to learning. Our goal is to provide students with the academic preparation to allow them to contribute positively to an environmentally sound future. Students can specialize in many facets of environmental science, including geology and other mining related fields.
Created in 2011, the Aboriginal Scholarship offers a $1500 entrance scholarship to a graduating Aboriginal high school student. (Students electing a one year gap will be considered)
At Nova Scotia Power, we’re proud to foster education, diversity and inclusion to help empower students to follow their dreams. Providing opportunities to learn and grow is essential for creating a workforce that will help build strong, healthy and successful communities of tomorrow. Please check back at the start of each year for our new scholarship opportunities.
Leadership Scholarships
Women in Trades, Engineering, and Technology Scholarships
Mi'kmaq Bursaries
African Nova Scotian Bursaries