Building a qualified, skilled Aboriginal workforce [Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership, LATP]

Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership
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About the LATP
The Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership (LATP) is a partnership between the three Labrador Aboriginal groups: Innu Nation; Nunatsiavut Government (NG); and NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC). The LATP was officially launched March 8, 2010. We are proud to say that, since then, we have assisted over 2000 Aboriginal clients to explore their career choices and paths, and over 1400 of those clients have been successful in finding employment.

Goals and Mission
LATP GOALS include:
Quality employment for Aboriginal people in the Natural Resource Sector.
Training and workplace experience to secure long term, sustainable jobs in natural, resource based and spin-off industries. Demonstrating equitable training practices so as to ensure both men and women equally avail of the training opportunities and can participate in the growing energy and mining sectors of the region.

The LATP's Mission is:
To improve employment opportunities for Aboriginal men and women, and provide support for a skilled, adaptable, and inclusive Aboriginal labour force.
To ensure that Aboriginal individuals are provided with effective education and skills training to obtain, retain, and advance in employment opportunities in resource-based industries.
To provide the supports necessary for Aboriginal men and women, especially those with families, to participate in the training.
To oversee a comprehensive Training-to-Employment Plan to prepare members of Innu Nation, Nunatsiavut Government and NunatuKavut Community Council for employment opportunities created through resource development in Labrador in a way that is accessible and affordable for the greatest number of people.